Cancer is derived from the Greek word for crab, karkinos. cancer这个词派生自希腊语中表示螃蟹的karkinos一词
Cancer is the homebody that, as a Water Sign, is looking for comfort food. The Crab is an excellent cook, though, so making delicious meals with their favorite flavors like basil, garlic, mint, nutmeg and vanilla is no problem. 居家男人巨蟹座是个出色的厨师,喜欢动用罗勒、大蒜、薄荷、肉豆蔻、香草等调味品做出一桌丰盛的美味食品。
ARIES& CANCER: The Crab is far too sensitive and slow for your speedy and hot tempered nature. 白羊-巨蟹:天生敏感的蟹子根本受不了迅速热情的白羊。
Cancer needs to see the different sides of an issue, or this Crab may be prone to making decisions without knowing all the facts. 蟹需要了解问题的不同角度,否则会根据不全面的信息急于下结论。